In the News

"I like to sell cookies because it's very nice to sell cookies," she told Buzzfeed News. Cookies, she said, "make people smile."  Well Stormi, your resilience and compassion make us smile. Also, we're not saying the Boy Scouts of America should take notes on how to handle transgender and LGBTQ discrimination, but they might want to... Bravo to the Girl Scouts of America for their commitment to inclusive and nurturing spaces for all girls. (Washington Post)

A professor at The University of Chicago is the latest to join the ignominious ranks of Sciences academics who also have a habit of sexually harassing their female colleagues and students. (Jezebel)

The good people at Bust have reviewed the Crave Vesper Vibrator, a sex toy you can wear around your neck. (Bust)

The ripple effects of Bill Cosby's ruin show signs of positive change in how rape and sexual assault are reported and investigated, and that's a good thing. (Jezebel)

Only 26 states have laws that address victims of revenge porn, but activists are committed to fighting to fill in the gaps in the system for countless women and men. (Jezebel)

None of the Above is a young adult novel with an intersex protagonist. Read about the author's vision and goals in writing about this important element of diversity in literary characters. (Bust)

The CDC shot and missed with its hackneyed and patronizing tone when trying to deliver a legitimate message. (Washington Post)

Would you like a hug? Why you should ask before you touch. (The Body Is Not An Apology)

The continued norm of victim blaming in media reports of rape victims is discouraging, but the increasing likelihood of people speaking out to combat that framing is an encouraging. (

The woman who started #ShirtlessShamers is spot-on and hilarious in her efforts to highlight a pervasive double standard. (