In The News

BuzzFeed lists nail it on the head pretty often, and this list of faces every woman who has slept with another woman has seen doesn't disappoint. Which is your favorite? (BuzzFeed)

This is a fascinating account of what it's like for a woman living with the rare condition of a split or double vagina. Spoiler alert: her partner says it feels "pretty normal". Right on! (

Man oh man would we love to see this non-hormonal birth control for men come to fruition. How would it change how hetero partners share birth control risks and responsibilities if this could be a real and safe thing? (Bustle)

Oh Joy Sex Toy is an awesome web comic series exploring all things sex, and this week they visited a porn set! (Bitch Media)

This parody game for girls called "Glass Ceiling" is funny because it's true and it's maddening for the same reasons! Watch as these little girls get told to move back several spaces for being too attractive at work, threatening to their male coworkers, and all sorts of other barriers that happen everyday. And then alternate laughing and crying! (Elle)