Leave it to Cosmo to make sure there is a sex positions list for everyone. This time, new and exhausted parents!
In The News
Book us some tickets now please 'cause the Sex Workers Opera opening in London looks amazing! While the theme of the downtrodden prostitute cum bohemian heroin is tried and true in traditional operas, voices from actual sex workers is not. Until now! (Telegraph)Book us some tickets now please 'cause the Sex Workers Opera opening in London looks amazing! While the theme of the downtrodden prostitute cum bohemian heroin is tried and true in traditional operas, voices from actual sex workers is not. Until now! (Telegraph)
Happy Hump Day!
Sophia Wallace is bringing clit realness with her stunning art project Cliteracy. It's exploratory, it's aggressive, it's beautiful, and it's an indictment on the gross lack of attention, time and respect paid to this central part of sex. I mean, there's a piece called Clit Rodeo so if you haven't already stopped reading this to go on over and get yourself cliterate this should be the final push you need. Enjoy!